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Made in the USA. Expertly crafted custom-fit silicone eartips provide ultimate sound-isolation and maximum comfort for use with the Otto Noizebarrier® Micro.

Custom Tip for NoizeBarrier® Micro


Buy a NoizeBarrier® Get 15% off Custom Tip

    • 1-Year Warranty - Read our warranty policy.
    • Support & FAQs - Please read the support & FAQs if you have questions or contact us with any questions you have about your product.
  • WildEar by Cavcom has a number of ways to collect your ear impressions:

    • IMPRESSION ON FILE: If you or your company have purchased WildEar or CavCom custom products, we may already have your ear impressions on file. Please fill above fields with name, employer (if applicable), and approximate date the custom product was manufactured. We’ll check and let you know if your impressions are already on file.
    • SEE A LOCAL PROVIDER: Most audiologists can provide ear impression services for a one-time fee of $30 - $75. When making your appointment, you will need to explain to the provider that you have already purchased the custom product from WildEar and so are asking them to provide only an ear impression of each ear. Please print and take this Ear Impression Guide with you to your appointment. If you need help locating a qualified provider, search here.
    • HOME FIT KIT: If you cannot find a local professional to take your ear impressions, you may be able to use the WildEar home impression kit. Please note that individuals with a history of ear surgery or ear problems such as pain, irritation, excessive earwax or infection, and those with allergies or sensitivity to silicone products should not attempt a home impression kit. To order a WildEar Home Fit Kit, purchase here.

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